Tournament winners rating is calculated across all rated tournaments of any rules and any types. In any tournament, top quarter of participants is awarded 1 VP (victory point). Furthermore, top quarter of top quarter of participants is awarded one more VP, and so on. Example. 64 players participated in the tournament. 64/4=16, top 16 places will get 1 VP. 16/4=4, top 4 places will get 2 VP. 4/4=1, top 1 place will get 3 VP. 1/4=0.25, no one will get 4 or more VP.
Overall player's rating is a sum of VP gained from all rated tournaments. In the table below the player's "displayed name" is clickable to see the player's rating contribution.
# | Player | Tournaments | Rating | MCR | DMCR | SBR 🐼 | DSBR | Riichi | MCR Marathon | SBR 🐼 Marathon |
# | Date | Game ID | Type | Players | Place | VP | MCR | DMCR | SBR 🐼 | DSBR | MCR Marathon | SBR 🐼 Marathon |