Site guide

This document guides you through the features, implemented on this site.

  • 1. Addressing the new user
  • 2. Registration
  • 3. Games
  • 4. Tournaments
  • 5. Ratings & Statistics
  • 1. Addressing the new user

    What is Mahjongsoft?

    Mahjongsoft is innovative mahjong site providing the opportunities:

    • to participate in the variety of tournaments (including duplicate ones, with hand-to-hand comparison across the tables)
    • to participate in marathons or in-group competitions
    • to participate in mahjong-solving contests
    • to learn more about mahjong by reading from books and other educational materials
    • or just to play solo being accompanied by robots

    Choose your user plan

    Mahjongsoft is a community of players. Most players, even being from different countries, know each other in person since they could meet earlier in live competitions abroad or play in the same city in the club.

    There are two main approaches:

    • Become a "competitor", a member of tournament-playing part of the community. For that you should register (create login), fill in your user profile with the valid basic information: Name, Lastname, country. Your real name will not be revealed except in major monthly tournaments or "official" championships.
    • Keep anonymity. If you think that your identity should not be revealed, then the best way is to not register on the site all! You may play with robots, educate yourself and do other things without being logged.

    General non-mahjong rules

    Any non-mahjong rules, explicitly imposed or implied, serve the main goal — to save site or mahjong community from disruption:

    • Respect other players! That means choosing non-offensive "Displayed name" in your profile.
    • Allocate enough time to play the game or tournament. Never abandon started game unless you have real force-majeure! We disqualify "abandoners" by imposing the longer periods of "ban" (loosing privilege on the site) for the repeated cases.
    • Do not create "double entries" or fake identities. Once revealed, all the players and results will be disqualified, If you need to register your relative, please, do it under the REAL name of your relative, do not use your name for the second time.
    • This site is for playing mahjong! All new accounts which did not play with other players any single game in any supported by site rules will be REMOVED upon 7 DAYS after registration! This is the only measure which can distinguish real accounts from any bots.

    2. Registration

    Registration at

    • To register a new user on, click the "Registration" button

    Filling in user profile fields

    • Fill in the profile fields, pass the anti-spam check by indicating the sum of points on three tiles, check the box "Agree to terms and conditions", then click the "Register" button
    • Limitation:
      • Login — up to 16 characters, letters and numbers
      • Displayed name — up to 32 characters, unicode
      • Displayed name should NOT be unethical, or offend other players with the relation to religion, racism, and similar matters content
      • The user's profile fields should NOT be used as keywords of advertising

    Editing profile fields

    • After the user logs in, by clicking on the login text, editing the profile is available
    • After making changes, you must agree to the terms and conditions of the site and click the "Save changes" button

    Verified User

    • To receive a Verified User (VU) status:
      • fill in fields "Name", "Last name" preferably in ENGLISH (since using the native languages like Chinese, Japanese, Cyrillics etc. is hard to read)
      • choose "Country"
      • fill in field "City" — no restrictions
    • "Verified User" status allows to create a private table (see below Private tables)
    • "Verified User" status allows to see the downloadable links to the parts of books and educational materials
    • Only "Verified User" players can participate in the tournaments

    3. Games

    It is possible to play mahjong on the site in several ways: local or network games, against other players or bots, in a standalone game or in the tournament.

    Local games

    • Local game is a non-network game played against the computer with no further possibility to playback it from the archive
    • To start local MCR game, in the "Products" site menu click on the "MCR mahjong" item
    • The table with the game options appears, after choosing the appropriate ones press "Start session" button
    • MCR game starts
    • To start local SBR game, in the "Products" site menu click on the "SBR mahjong" item
    • The table with the game options appears, after choosing the appropriate ones press "Start session" button
    • SBR game starts

    Network games

    • Network game as opposed to local one, is a game played using server, it can be played against other players or bots, the results of such a game can later be reviewed
    • To start network game, go to "Tables Online" section on the starting page
    • To modify options of the new network game use drop-down menu to choose appropriate values if needed
    • To enter the game click on the "Join table" button
    • Press the "Continue" button
    • Pressing the "Ready to play with ... bots" button may start the game even at incomplete table (otherwise wait for the other players to enter before pressing that button)
    • As the result, the status of the player and the text at the button will change

    Private tables

    • Private table allows to play within the agreed beforehand group of players
    • To start private table (only players with the "Verified User" status can do that), click yellow lock sign on the upper-right corner of "Tables Online" section on the starting page
    • The table with the game options appears, use drop-down menu to choose appropriate values if needed
    • The first option to limit the access to the private table is a pin code
    • The second option to limit the access to the private table is so-called "ticket", a player can see and use only "tickets" of the groups of which this player is a member
    • After selecting "ticket" from drop-down menu a new private "ticketed" table is been created
    • To modify options of the new private "ticketed" table use drop-down menu to choose appropriate values if needed
    • Only players of the specific "ticket" group can now enter such a new private "ticketed" table

    Hands playback from the archive

    • After clicking on the link of the game number its playback from the archive starts
    • To replace the "frontal" player, move the mouse cursor over the corresponding player and click — the image should rotate correspondently
    • Two buttons control the start of playback: autoplay or step by step
    • Two buttons allow to go to the previous or next hand in the game session
    • After starting playback, one can stop, slow down or speed up it

    4. Tournaments

    Tournament registration

    • A list of all unfinished tournaments with a minimum description of their parameters is at the bottom of the "Tables Online" section
    • To enter the page of the selected tournament, click the "Join tournament" button
    • To enter the main list of tournament participants, check the box "Agree to terms and conditions" and click on the button "Join tournament"
    • To enter the list of substitute players, check the box "Agree to terms and conditions" and click the button "Join list of substitute players"
    • As a result, your nickname will be added to the main list of tournament participants or the list of substitute players
    • To exit the tournament, click the "Exit" button


    • There are two timers at the very end of the tournament page:
      • the first timer shows the time until the confirmation of registration in the tournament
      • the second timer shows time before start
    • Participation in a tournament without confirmation is IMPOSSIBLE!
    • Confirmation procedure starts at the specified time before the start of the tournament
    • A beep sounds and a new "Confirm" button appears
    • After clicking the "Confirm" button, the icon next to the player's nickname changes
    • IMPORTANT: after the end of the confirmation phase, all non-confirmed players will be REMOVED from the tournament
    • Participation in the tournament is still possible with complete tables
    • Check the box "Agree to terms and conditions" and click on the button "Join tournament"

    Tournament play

    • When the tournament starts, a beep sounds and a new "Join table" button appears, after clicking on which a new window with the current deal will open
    • During the course of the entire tournament, all relevant information about it is presented on the tournament page in the form of several sections: name, description, list of players, status of the current deal play, deals results and the summary table

    • For the convenience of organizing screen space, some sections can be "hidden" by clicking on the corresponding square with a triangle looking "up", or, conversely, can be "shown" by clicking on the corresponding square with a triangle looking "down"
    • The status of the current deal play is shown as tables "playing" or "finished"

    Tournament Results

    • During the course of the tournament, the actual deals results and the summary table can be found in the corresponding sections of the tournament page
    • After the end of the tournament, its results can be found in the statistics archive
    • In the "Statistics" site menu, click on the "List of tournaments" item — a table of past tournaments with links appears
    • Click on the blue link of the tournament number – two sections appear
    • The upper section is a summary table:
      • the results of all players are sorted by the sum of IMPs, if this indicator is equal, the additional criteria are applied, if it is still impossible to separate all the places in a such group, they are shown through "-"'s
      • for each unplayed (from beginning to end) deal, the player is penalized by 2 IMPs, regardless of the real result of this deal played by the substitute player or bot
      • the horizontal details of the results can be changed by selecting the appropriate level by clicking on the structure elements (to the left of the "Session" label)
    • The lower section represents the results and links of each deal played in the tournament, by default each deal is shown as one line
    • After clicking on a square with a triangle the results of each table will be shown in a tabular form, the table numbers are the links to the deal replay in a separate window
    • Comment: deal #1 of the tournament #9007 shows the specifics of a duplicate tournament — even +49 GP can bring a negative value of IMPs in the case when all players on the line received a positive result, and -8 GP can bring a positive value of IMPs in the case when all players on the line received a negative result

    5. Ratings & Statistics

  • Tournament Ranking
  • MCR fans statistics
  • Tournament Ranking

    • In the "Statistics" site menu, click on the "Tournament rating" item – a table of players ratings for the last available date appears
    • There are several columns in the table: player's rank, player's nickname, rating as of the last date, previous rating value, change, number of tournaments played, number of podium places
    • After clicking on the player's nickname a table appears with the values of the tournament rating of this player for several dates
    • The main indicator of a player's success in a tournament is the basic ranking which is a number from 0 to 1000 points, it is calculated using the formula: BR = 1000 * (Number_of_players - Player's_place)/(Number_of_players - 1)
    • A player's rating is the sum of two components: 50%*(Weighted average of the basic ranking for all tournaments)+50%*(Weighted average of the basic ranking for the best 10 tournaments)
    • The best tournaments are determined purely by the basic ranking, all those missing up to the number of 10 tournaments are considered to have BR = 0

    MCR fans statistics

    • In the "Statistics" site menu, click on the "MCR fans" item — two sections will appear with up-to-date data
    • Only winning MCR hands played with max. 1 bot (including games played in duplicate tournaments) are taken into account for calculating statistics
    • The upper section is a table of MCR fans statistics: 12 lines correspond to the fans' values, the numbers in the cells correspond to the fan numbers and are clickable for all shown-up fans
    • When you point the mouse cursor over the number in the cell, a "floating" name of the corresponding fan appears
    • Note: For a detailed description of MCR fans refer to the page in Help menu
    • After clicking on the fan number a table of the latest hands in which the specified fan was collected appears, as well as data on the frequency of fan
    • The lower section is a table of the top 10 hands by value (excluding flower points)
    • Hand numbers are clickable — clicking on the blue link starts its playback from the archive
    Updated: 08.01.2024