
Hand Value

Any winning hand or waiting hand must be worth at least 8 points (without "Flowers Tiles").

Agreement on MCR fans

Unless otherwise stated, a hand is always calculated in a maximal (unabridged) manner.

Hand's "main fan" is a fan with the maximal value (please, note that the hand can have several "main fans").


The following formatting conventions will be used in the text of mysteries:

  • parts of a hand will be shown with the "lock" sign, precedes concealed tiles, precedes melded tiles
  • MCR fan names are shown with a "firebrick" colored text, for instance, All Chows
  • using "dark blue" colored text will show:
    • hand structure, for example, Seven Pairs
    • distribution of hands (hyphenated), for example, 3-3-3-3-2
    • tiles as the object of consideration, for example, ABC, tile A
  • wherever is possible, a hand will be shown in one line

The list of contest mysteries

Mystery #0. Big panneau (14.09.2024 - 18.10.2024) TaskSolution

Mystery #1. Three twice (14.09.2024 - 20.09.2024) TaskSolution

Mystery #2. 4-sided wait (21.09.2024 - 27.09.2024) TaskSolution

Mystery #3. 16 Wind tiles (28.09.2024 - 04.10.2024) TaskSolution

Mystery #4. 100-point Hu (05.10.2024 - 11.10.2024) TaskSolution

Mystery #5. Six pairs and a half (19.10.2024 - 25.10.2024) TaskSolution

Mystery #6. All Fives (26.10.2024 - 01.11.2024) TaskSolution

Mystery #7. Lestrade’s sure win (02.11.2024 - 08.11.2024) TaskSolution

Mystery #8. Cooperative mahjong (09.11.2024 - 15.11.2024) TaskSolution

Story. Isotope analysisTaskSolution