SBR Auto-Marathon 2023




2023 Annual SBR Auto-Marathon Results

2023 Annual SBR Auto-Marathon finished. Here is some statistics:

  • 293 games played
  • 133 players from 12 countries participated
  • 13 players received non-zero ranking
  • top 3 players won medals (will be sent by mail)

Winners of 2023 Annual SBR Auto-Marathon

Rank Country Player's name Medal
1 tsumogiri 🥇
2 吴奇 🥈
3 🐯Combo 🥉

2023 Annual SBR Auto-Marathon Launch

MahjongSoft is pleased to announce 2023 Annual SBR Auto-Marathon, a long-term open tournament, which starts on 01.01.2023 at 00:00 and ends on 31.12.2023 23:59 (by Moscow time).
Marathon is opened to all players, with no restrictions with respect to participation, or the number of accounted games.
Any non-disqualified game will be automatically counted towards marathon, there is no need to report game results anywhere.

Results and Ranking

All non-disqualified games played by a player within the entire 2023 year are then consolidated using four-component formula to get player's score. All player's scores are then ranked accordingly to get rank (place) and basic rank.
Comment: for details on formulas and ranking procedures please refer to SBR Marathon Information page.

  • top 3 players will receive medals
  • top quarter of the "qualified players list" will receive Victory Points (VP)

Comment: medals will be awarded provided there are at least 12 "qualified players" for the entire 2023 year.
Comment: organizer of 2023 Annual SBR Auto-Marathon may consider some other prizes in addition to the listed above.

How to Participate?

To enter SBR Auto-Marathon, please, enter the table marked "SBR 🐼" on the starting page. The table of results is available at Consolidated Marathon Results page, please, choose the "Type"="SBR 🐼 Marathon" and "Period"="01.01.2023-31.12.2023" in a drop-down menu accordingly.

SBR Auto-Marathon table parameters

Deals per session: 8, Time for session: 30 min., Time for own action: 9 sec., Time for declaration: 8 sec., Additional time: 10 sec., Time for results: 10 sec.

Games Disqualification

To enforce "healthy" competition any game with seemingly unequal opportunities to compete should not be counted (disqualified). Thus, any games having "excessive" number of "automoves" (that is moves when system plays instead of disconnected player) should be disqualified.

SBR Auto-Marathon Games Disqualification Criteria:

  • game played with bot
  • 50+ AM for one player in deals 1-4 of the game
  • after deal 4 if overall sum of AM in the game is 4 AM or less, then such a deal cannot be disqualified
  • 100+ AM for one player for the entire game
  • 150+ AM overall for the entire game
  • 5 deals or less in the game

When one or more players are obviously disconnected in early stage of the game, it is adviced to "abandon" such a game (it will be disqualified).


What is Marathon?

Marathon is a long-term open tournament, usually played by periods. Marathon is opened to all players, with no restrictions with respect to participation, or the number of accounted within a period games.

Player's Score

The player's score within a period is a weighted sum of four components: 50%*average_TP (taken for all games) + 50%*average_TP (taken for best 10 by TP games) + 1%*number_of_games + 10%*average_TP_opponents (against whom player played).
Comment: TP stands for total_points, the sum of game_points and bonus_points, which players receives from each game played.

To be rated, 26 games within the entire 2023 year have to be played by the player. While determining the player's score, all missing to the amount of 26 games will forceably be counted as having 0 TP.

For the sake of simplicity, all the components are rounded to the two digits after decimal point. For tied results number_of_games is used as an additional criterion — the lesser is that number, the higher player's score is.


All players' scores within the period are then ranked (including breaking-ties algorithms). Each player, who played the established within a period minimum number of games (26), is called as "qualified player". Each "qualified player" receives so-called "Basic Rank" (BR) according to the formula:
BR = 1000*(number_of_qualified_players-player's_place+1)/number_of_qualified_players, rounded to the closest integer number

All players who have not played within a considered period the established minimum number of games (26), receive BR=0.

Games Disqualification

To enforce "healthy" competition any game with seemingly unequal opportunities to compete should not be counted (disqualified). Thus, any games having "excessive" number of "automoves" (that is moves when system plays instead of disconnected player) should be disqualified.

SBR Auto-Marathon Games Disqualification Criteria:

  • game played with bot
  • 50+ AM for one player in deals 1-4 of the game
  • after deal 4 if overall sum of AM in the game is 4 AM or less, then such a deal cannot be disqualified
  • 100+ AM for one player for the entire game
  • 150+ AM overall for the entire game
  • 5 deals or less in the game

When one or more players are obviously disconnected in early stage of the game, it is adviced to "abandon" such a game (it will be disqualified).


  • any game is assigned to the period based on it's starting time
  • game statistics can be found at menu "Statistics/List of sessions", then choose "Type"="SBR 🐼 Marathon"

Updated: 01.01.2024